Treaties and agreements

Through the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, RCE), the Dutch government is one of the players in the global heritage field. We work with a whole range of partners to help achieve the goals set in this domain by various international bodies, as well as through treaties and resolutions. The most important of these for the Netherlands have been concluded under the auspices of UNESCO and the Council of Europe. The European Commission, too, has raised the importance of heritage with member states through Council conclusions (which identify issues of importance to the European Union and the actions or objectives they should give rise to) and policy.

Treaties and resolutions

International bodies

In consultation with the ministries of Education, Culture and Science and Foreign Affairs, Dutch input is provided to international bodies such as the European Union, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. In addition, the RCE is involved in ICCROM, ICOM and ICOMOS.