Heritage Counts. The Meaning of Heritage for Society.

Policy letter of the Minister of Culture of the Netherlands, mrs. Ingrid van Engelshoven, presented to Parliament on 22 June 2018. The letter outlines the developments in Dutch heritage management for the coming years.

The government is not only interested in the social and historical value of heritage, but is also making significant financial investments in it. In its policy letter Cultuur in een open samenleving (Culture in an Open Society), the government elaborated on its plans outlined in the Coalition Agreement. This Heritage Counts policy letter takes a more specific look at heritage policy. The focus is on conservation and change of use, the living environment and the unifying force of heritage.


Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2018

Original title: Erfgoed Telt. De betekenis van erfgoed voor de samenleving.
Translated into English in 2019.