27 November Monumental Matters - Session 2

Attention: the activity has already taken place

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  • Location Online

Put in my diary

At the end of November, the International Heritage Cooperation programme of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the ErfgoedAcademie are organising a two-part online exchange titled “Monumental Matters: How do our National Monuments reflect society?”. 

Attending both sessions is encouraged. 

Each session will begin with a series of short presentations offering inspiration for a discussion between different actors within the heritage field (policy makers, scholars, activists, community initiatives) that are rethinking monument designation and interpretation.

The sessions aim to foster an international exchange of knowledge and experience regarding how national monuments are managed and given meaning by different groups in society. This exchange is part of a research project that is being carried out at the RCE on multivocality and the Dutch national monument list.

Session 2: Interpretations of monuments

In the second session will focus on the interpretation of monuments and discuss the ways different perspectives as well as untold histories can be recognised and shared. This includes thinking about how counter-histories can challenge and enrich dominant narratives, in order to give a new meaning to protected built heritage.


The confirmed speakers for this session are Gareth Lopes Powell (Missing Pieces Project Officer at Historic England), Prof. dr. Ann Rigney (chair of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University) and Jennifer Tosch (Black Heritage Tours).


The sessions on 20 and 27 November are online and will be held in English. The full programme and additional information about the speakers will be shared soon. Please check this webpage for updates.

For who?

We encourage professionals, activists, artists and scholars to join who are working on the issues that will be addressed. However, anyone with an interest in these topics can join. For each session the goal is to foster an active discussion between participants. Participants are encouraged to join both sessions.

For further information or (registration) questions about the sessions, please contact project leader Sofia Lovegrove via s.lovegrove@cultureelerfgoed.nl.