Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

One major and substantive milestone for the JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change has been the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), jointly formulated by the participating countries and issued at the start of 2014. This was the first time within Europe that an international, pan-heritage research agenda was formulated. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2020 builds on the SRA 2014 and reflects the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological changes that have occurred in recent years. It capitalises on the increasing policy developments both within Europe and beyond, which demonstrate the intrinsic and instrumental values of heritage.

Overarching research principles have been agreed which will underpin the future joint activities of the JPI CH. They reaffirm that the initiative promotes a holistic approach to cultural heritage and encourages collaborative, transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, innovative, basic and applied research, to meet societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development. Public participation and engagement should be at the heart of the joint activities, and education and training opportunities should be developed. SRIA 2020 aims to ensure that the JPI CH supports digital innovation within the heritage sector and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


  • A reflective heritage for a resilient society – this Priority Area focuses on cultural heritage as an empowering force and a collective good for society.
  • Sustainable management of cultural heritage – this Priority Area focuses on participatory governance, the added value of cultural heritage and emerging technologies.
  • Cultural heritage in a changing context – this Priority Area focuses on urban and rural development, globalisation, demographic change and tourism. It will explore both the positive and negative implications for cultural heritage.
  • Cultural heritage facing climate and environmental change – this Priority Area focuses on the impact of climate and environmental changes on cultural and natural heritage and how cultural and natural heritage could be a resource for Sustainable Development.