Call for transnational research proposals: JPICH Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics

The ‘Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics’ research call (JPICH CHSE) aims at furthering the understanding of the relationship between cultural heritage – tangible, intangible, digital and natural – and major societal issues through transnational research projects. The call will be launched in early March 2022 and will consist in two compulsory stages (pre-proposals then, full proposals). Deadline for preproposals is 23rd May.

JPI CH CHSE funded projects will explore the relationship between these three notions from a Social Sciences and Humanities perspective, thus enabling to address current conceptual frameworks and facilitate the emergence of new ones; create the conditions for new ways of engagement and dialogue between disciplines and stakeholders; study what the impact of these new ways may be in various cultural contexts. Applicants are encouraged to adopt multi- and trans-disciplinary methodologies and approaches.

Themes of the call

Research proposals must address at least one, and if possible both, of the two following themes:

  1. Cultural heritage and economic development. This theme explores the tensions between how heritage can contribute to the development of sustainable experience-based economies without being put at risk and, concomitantly, how the non-utilitarian value of heritage can be promoted in the context of its growing commercialisation.

  2. Cultural heritage and sustainable strategies. This theme explores the relationship between heritage, democratic values and politics in a historical perspective, with a particular emphasis on the proliferation of conflicting narratives resulting from the use and misuse of heritage, and the contribution of heritage to sustainable and ethical behaviours and policies.

Image: ©Hollandse Hoogte/ANP
Nationaal Monument Slavernijverleden Amsterdam

Consortium and partners

Each consortium must involve at least three scientific partners from three different countries participating in the call and at least one Associate Partner (policymakers, NGOs, communities, etc.). These elements will be verified during the eligibility check at stage 1 of the JPI CH CHSE call.

The countries participating in the call are: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom.

To support prospective applicants in creating or consolidating transnational research consortia that meet the above-mentioned eligibility criteria, the JPI CH CHSE call secretariat managed by ANR will organise one or several online information event(s) during the months of March and April and provide access for all registered research applicants to an online secured matchmaking platform.

Information webinar on 8th March

To register for the online information event to be held on 8 March, 10:00-12:00 CEST, please visit:

Provisional timetable for the call

  • 15 February: opening of registration for the online information events and the matchmaking platform
  • Early March 2022: opening of the online submission portal for pre-proposals and the matchmaking platform
  • 8 March 2022, 10:00-12:00 CEST: online information event
  • 23 May: pre-proposal submission deadline and closing of the matchmaking platform
  • 7 June: stage 1 eligibility notification: opening of the online submission for full proposals
  • 5 September: submission deadline for full proposals
  • 20 September: eligibility outcome notification
  • 7 November: funding decision
  • December 2022 – May 2023: funded projects start.

About JPICH & Global Change

Since 2010, the countries within the JPI Cultural Heritage have coordinated their research programmes in various combinations. In the past, calls organised in the context of the JPICH are JHEP Pilot Call (2013) and Heritage Plus Joint Call (2014) and research into digital heritage (2017), heritage in changing environments (2018), conservation, protection and use (2019) and cultural heritage, identities and perspectives (2020).

The Cultural Heritage Agency, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and NWO participate in JPI Cultural Heritage for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Cultural Heritage Agency and NWO jointly contribute to the organisation, strategy and working method of JPI Cultural Heritage.

Links & documents

Registration webinar 8 march
Matchmaking platform
NWO programme JPI Cultural Heritage
International collaboration – SSH in Europe
Conference ‘Heritage for the Future’

Further information

ANR contact point: Benjamin Konnert, (call secretariat)
NWO contact point: Ninja Rijnks-Kleikamp,