National Consultation Panel Heritage Research

Every country that participates in the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change JPI CH), has a national advisory body. In the Netherlands, this is the National Consultation Panel Heritage Research (Nationale Onderzoeksraad Erfgoed, NOE). This consultation panel meets twice per year and consists of researchers from several fields of heritage research. Amongst others, fields like archaeology, landscape and spatial planning, monuments, museum collections, and intangible heritage (‘living heritage’, such as social habits, rituals, traditions, expressions, specialist knowledge or skills) are represented. Together, the members of the NOE represent the broad field of heritage research.

Responsibilities of the NOE

The NOE advises on matters concerning the Dutch participation in the JPI CH, E-RIHS and, if relevant, on other international collaborations in the field of heritage research and science. Furthermore, it brings European research projects and possibilities for cooperation and funding to the attention of researchers in the Netherlands. The NOE:

  • Advises the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, the Cultural Heritage Agency and the Dutch Research Council on the Dutch contribution to the JPI CH and E-RIHS.
  • Brings possibilities of the JPI CH and E-RIHS to the attention of the Dutch field of research.
  • Acts as advisory body for the Living History field of the National Research Agenda.
  • Keeps track of developments within the research and science fields of cultural heritage.
  • Keeps in contact with the research field and reflects on substantive and social developments within the field of heritage.

Current members

The National Heritage Research Board consists of the following members:

  • Gert-Jan Burgers – Vrije Universiteit
    Full professor Heritage and History of Cultural Landscapes and Urban Environments
  • Linde Egberts - Vrije Universiteit
    Assistant professor Heritage Studies
  • Sophie Elpers – Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (KIEN), Meertens Instituut and University of Antwerp
    Scientific staff KIEN, researcher ethnology, and Professor Intangible Cultural Heritage and Ethnology at University of Antwerp
  • Carola Hein - TU Delft University of Technology
    Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Ella Hendriks - Universiteit van Amsterdam
    Full professor Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
  • Mirjam Hoijtink - University of Amsterdam and Wereldmuseum
    Coordinator of The East and Europe research group at UvA and Head Research and Collection at Wereldmuseum
  • Wim Hupperetz - Centre Céramique
  • Robert van Langh - Rijksmuseum
    Head department Conservation & Science
  • Inger Leemans - Vrije Universiteit
    Full professor Cultural History
  • Marco de Niet - University Library Leiden
    Division manager Research and Education Services / Deputy Director
  • Johan Oomen - Beeld en Geluid
    Manager Research and Heritage
  • Uta Pottgiesser - TU Delft
    Full professor Heritage & Technology
  • Michiel Purmer - Natuurmonumenten and RUG
    Historical geographer, heritage expert at Natuurmonumenten
  • Benjamin Rous – The Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+ (NICAS)
  • Freek Schmidt - Vrije Universiteit
    Full professor history of the architecture of the built environment
  • Anne Schulp – Naturalis / Universiteit Utrecht
    Professor Geosciences, Earth Sciences, Stratigraphy and Palaeontology
  • Elyze Storms-Smeets - Wageningen University and Research and Gelders genootschap
    Special associate professor
  • Rosemarie van der Veen-Oei - Koninklijke Bibliotheek
    Advisor (inter)national cooperation

Please contact Marieke van Ommeren (programme secretary of JPI CH) if you have any questions.