Restitution procedures for cultural goods not in possession of the Dutch State

Are you submitting a request for a cultural good that is located in the Netherlands and in possession of a party other than the Dutch State, such as an art institution, a local authority or a private party? Or do you want to submit a request for research to be carried out into an object in possession of a party other than the Dutch State? On this page you will find a step-by-step explanation of the procedures.

You can find out the current possessor of an object by consulting the details of the cultural good in the databases of, or if necessary by contacting the museum or the institution where the object is currently located.

Are you submitting a request for a cultural good that is in possession of a party other than the Dutch State, such as an art institution, a local authority or a private party? Below you will find a step-by-step explanation of the procedures for a request for restitution. We have also summarized the procedures in Infographics.

Submit a request for a binding recommendation on restitution

Submit a request for research prior to a (possible) request for a binding recommendation

Renewed binding recommendation

Procedure after granting of a request for restitution