Museum Acquisitions from 1933 onwards
This publication looks back at the period 2009-2013, the years in which the Dutch museums conducted a research into the provenance history of cultural objects since 1933. It contains an overview of the work carried out in the context of this research and serves as a reference work.
Download in English: 'Museum Acquisitions from 1933 onwards'
Download in English: 'Addendum - Museum Acquisitions from 1933 onwards'
This is a publication of the Museum Association.
Information from this publication may only be reproduced with the permission of the Museum Association.
The publication was made possible by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Authors: Rudi Ekkart and Helen Schretlen
Editorial: Saskia Bekke-Cheers
Production: Marieke Krabshuis
Translation: Lynne & Paul Richards Translations
Design: Thonik
Printing: Rotor Offset Printing
Edition: Museumvereniging, 2014