RAM 282: Flotsam, jetsam and lost anchors at Statia’s Roads. An archaeological assessment of site SE-504, Oranje Bay, St. Eustatius
In August 2021, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR) conducted an underwater archaeological assessment at site SE-504 in the Oranje Bay of St. Eustatius. Instead of a wreck, a conglomerate of mainly 18th century objects was found. This report is intended for archaeologists and other professionals and avocational enthusiasts involved in archaeology.
Series: Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 282 (RAM 282)
Authors: L.F. Derksen, J. van Doesburg, R.W. de Hoop and M.R. Manders
Editors: L.F. Derksen, R.W. de Hoop and M.R. Manders
Authorization: B.I. Smit (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands)
Images and illustrations: M. Haars (BCL-Archaeological support), Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands unless mentioned otherwise.
Proofreading: Thomas Dresscher
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, 2024