NAR 84: Osseous and keratinous objects from the Netherlands

This ‘Valleta Harvest’ synthesis provides, for the first time, a typochronological overview of all objects made of bone, antler, ivory and other hard animal materials from archaeological contexts in the Netherlands. The publication covers function, material use, provenance and periodisation, as well as topics such as changes through time - e.g. due to cultural influences -, domestic versus artisanal production, trade in raw material and objects.

Download NAR 84: Osseous and keratinous objects from the Netherlands
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The monograph is intended for archaeologists, archaeozoologists and those broadly interested in the study of archaeological objects made of animal remains.


Series: Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (Dutch Archeological Report) 84

Authors: M.J. Rijkelijkhuizen, J.T. Zeiler en J. van Dijk
Advisory committee: S. O’Connor (University of Bradford), A. Nieuwhof (University of Groningen) en R. van Oosten (Leiden University)
Authorisation: R.C.G.M. Lauwerier, april 2024

ISBN/EAN: 978-90-76046-93-8
© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, 2024