NAR 79: Something special. The archaeology of depositional practices around the house and yard (Neolithic-New Period)
This publication presents the results of a study of special deposition practices around house and yard throughout the Netherlands from the Neolithic to the Modern Period. Excavations of settlements conducted within the context of the Valletta Treaty (1997-2019), have revealed numerous deposits that are interpreted in ritual terms. This new ‘Harvest for Malta’-synthesis is intended for archaeologists.
This report is also available in Dutch: NAR 79: Gewoon bijzonder.
Series: Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (NAR) nr. 79
Author: D.S. Habermehl (VUhbs archeologie). With contributions from M. Groot (Freie Universität Berlin) and J. van Kampen (VUhbs archeologie)
Authorisation: B.J. Groenewoudt (RCE)
SBN/EAN: 978-90-76046-92-1
© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, 2024