Provenance research on cultural goods 1933-1945. A guide

Carrying out research into the provenance of cultural objects is the responsibility of everyone who acquires or already manages or owns these objects. This guide provides an overview of a number of basic steps for conducting provenance research on cultural objects relating to the Second World War.

The guide is a starting point and is intended as an initial check. No two objects are the same and therefore the resources required will vary from case to case. Moreover, provenance research is constantly developing. The availability of new analogue and digital sources continues to provide new insights. In addition to carefully consulting source material, provenance research also requires a good dose of creativity.

For whom

This publication is aimed at collection managers, museum employees, researchers, collectors and art dealers. The recommendations apply to both new acquisitions and existing collections or merchandise.

This publication is also available in Dutch.


Text: Daniël Hendrikse, provenance researcher of WWII cultural goods, RCE. Simone van Wijk, provenance researcher of WWII cultural goods, RCE.

Editorial staff: Rudi Ekkart, WWII cultural property expert. Annelies Kool, WWII cultural property advisor, RCE. Iris Looman, head of Movable Heritage department, RCE. Perry Schrier, WWII cultural property advisor, RCE.

Reading committee: Roby Boes, curator, Singer Laren. Sophia Thomassen, collection registration coordinator and provenance researcher, Van Gogh Museum.

© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands / Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, maart 2024