NAR 67: Fragile monuments of the past. Physical threats and countermeasures

Fragile monuments of the past presents an overview of the various physical factors which may lead to damage to archaeological protected monuments on land. The report also tries to define the term ‘damage’, and to list possible solutions to mitigate these physical threats.

Recent years have seen extensive research and the accumulation of a wealth of practical expertise. However, until now no reference work or bibliography on physical interventions and maintenance existed, and the various sources can be difficult to find. The present publication makes some of this information accessible and offers guidelines for more detailed study and further reading.

Dutch version

This publication is also available in Dutch: Beschermd maar kwetsbaar.


Translation of: Willemse, N.W., 2021: Beschermd maar kwetsbaar. Fysieke bedreigingen van archeologische rijksmonumenten en maatregelen om ze te beschermen, Amersfoort (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 67).

Author: N.W. Willemse
Authorization: H.F.A Haarhuis
Content editor: RAAP English
Translation: Taalcentrum VU, Amsterdam

ISBN/EAN: 978-90-5799-344-2
© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, 2021