NAR 71: Romans on the waterfront. Evaluation of archaeological interventions (1997-2020) along the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine and Coastal Limes

The Roman frontier, or the Limes, has often been the subject of archaeological research in the past twenty years. The results of the researches and the new insights that they provided are the focus point of ‘Romans on the waterfront. Evaluation of archaeological interventions (1997-2020) along the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine and Coastal Limes’. The report was written for archaeologists, volunteers in the archaeology field and all others with affinity for the Roman history in the Netherlands.


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Series: Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (NAR) 71

Authors: J. de Bruin (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden), H. van Enckevort (Gemeente Nijmegen), E.J. van Ginkel (TGV teksten & presentatie), E.P. Graafstal (Gemeente Utrecht), W.A.M. Hessing (Vestigia Archeologie & Cultuurhistorie), L.I. Kooistra (Biax Consult), S. Lange (BIAX Consult), R. Schrijvers (Vestigia Archeologie & Cultuurhistorie), W.K. Vos (Vos Archeo), J.A. Waasdorp, R.J. van Zoolingen (Gemeente Den Haag).
Editors: W.A.M. Hessing, W.K. Vos, E.J. van Ginkel
Authorisation: T. de Groot en M. Eerden (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed)

ISBN/EAN: 978-90-5799-341-1
© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, 2021