NAR 42: The Mesolithic cemetery at Mariënberg (NL), a rebuttal to alternative interpretations

This volume in the series Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (NAR) addresses the issue of the date and interpretation of a Late Mesolithic burial ground at Mariënberg (Overijssel Province).


A 2006 publication titled 'A multi-component complex of Mesolithic settlements with Late Mesolithic grave pits at Mariënberg in Overijssel' presented the results of field research at Mariënberg, where a number of Mesolithic settlements were discovered. One of these settlements also contained six grave pits in which the deceased had been placed in a seated position. This extremely rare find not only generated much attention within the international archaeological professional community, but it also led to intense debates. In the present publication, the same authors present new insights, facts and data in support of their arguments of 2006.


Series: Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten (NAR) 042
Authors: A.D. Verlinde, R.R. Newell
ISBN/EAN: 9789057991981
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, 2013