Pre-announcement: international call for research into Cultural Heritage and Climate Change
An international funding opportunity on research addressing the interface of cultural heritage and climate change is planned to be opened in April 2023. The call focuses on the impact of climate change on cultural heritage, and on opportunities for climate adaptation and mitigation and sustainable development through knowledge of cultural heritage. Can we learn from the past to handle interdisciplinary challenges of the climate emergency?

This is the first joint international research call of the Joint Programming Initiatives on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPICH) and Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate), and the Belmont Forum. This announcement is intended to inform interested individuals and groups of this research call.
Research proposals can be submitted by groups of partners with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, coming from 3 to 5 participating countries (including the Netherlands). The deadline is expected to be at the beginning of September 2023.
Themes and key areas
The themes and key areas of this call are currently being refined by international experts, and will be announced when the call is launched in April. The focus on cultural heritage and climate change results from a White Paper jointly developed and published in March 2022 by the two JPIs, and from joint workshops held in June and September 2022 aimed at identifying and incorporating research priorities from Africa, the Americas and Asia.
More information
Ahead of the call opening in mid-April 2023, interested individuals are invited to sign up for email updates using this Google Docs form. They will be invited to a webinar, held around the call launch date, where they will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Theme Program Office (i.e. the transnational call secretariat) and the JPICH, JPI Climate, and Belmont Forum.
Please visit Heritage Research Hub or the website of Dutch Research Council for more information about the requirements for research consortia, participating countries, and the expected timeline.
The Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) represent the Netherlands within JPICH on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, contributing to the organization, strategy and working methods of the JPICH.