30 November Workshop Vibrations in Collections and in Transport

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Activities data

  • Date
  • Time -
  • Location Collectiecentrum Nederland, Amersfoort + online

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Vibrations caused by sources in or near collections, and during loan transport continue to be a major concern for museum and collection professionals around the world. The RCE has been conducting a major research program led by Dr. W. (Bill) Wei on the effect of vibrations on the condition of valuable heritage objects.

The main results of this program will be presented during a hybrid workshop on November 30, 2023. This workshop will include lectures on practical experience, the results of a statistical survey of loan transport, vibration testing of objects, and demonstrations of vibration monitoring equipment and methods.


Admission to this event is free. You can register via the button below and choose your preference for participation (online or Amersfoort).


Time Item
9.30 Coffee & tea
10.00 Welcome 
Susan Lammers (General director Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands)
10.15 Experience with construction in museums
Megan Harvey (Auckland War Memorial Museum)
11.00 Vibrations and vibration testing
Bill Wei (RCE / Vibmech.nl)
11.45 Break
12.00 Vibration monitoring during construction
Arne Johnson (Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.)
12.45 Lunch break
13.30 Museum experience with loan transport
Bill Wei (RCE / Vibmech.nl)
14.15 Q & A
15.00 Closing (end of program for online participants)
Break (for participants in Amersfoort)
15.15   In separate groups:
  • Demonstration of vibration monitoring by Arne Johnson and Bill Wei
  • Tour of CCNL 
16.00 In separate groups:
  • Demonstration of vibration monitoring by Arne Johnson and Bill Wei
  • Tour of CCNL 
16.45 Closing
17.00 Drinks